Divi Displaying Default Colors


Divi comes with a static CCS file generation function, this function essentially builds your sites CSS on the fly when you make updates. From time to time this breaks, or an external caching method sometimes results in the default color pallete to be shown on the header and other parts of your site. This is a know issue on GridPane and SpinupWP who have a custom caching solution.

If you're using a third party minification plugin or caching plugin that has minification enabled, it might affect Divi's built in minification.

Clearing or Disabling Divi Static CSS File Generation

You can either clear the Divi static CSS file generation method, or disable it completely.

  1. Click on "Divi" on the left hand side of your WordPress Admin.
  2. Click on "Builder" on the top of the page.
  3. Click on "Advanced" under the Bulder section.
  4. Click "Clear" on the "Static CSS File Generation" option or toggle this option off.

Disabling Divi Minification

You can disable the Divi minification easily by following these steps.

  1. Click on "Divi" on the left hand side of your WordPress Admin.
  2. Scroll down and toggle the following options to off 3. Minify And Combine Javascript Files 4. Minify And Combine CSS Files

The following video provides a visual if the above instructions aren't clear.

Last updated on 7th July 2020

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